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We need your help to make the auction a success! Please consider donating an item or experience as for the auction or even a cash gift to our Super-Shopper Fund!

All gifts are tax-deductible, Please print a copy of your confirmation page as a receipt, or contact the Development Office at development@saintpats.org.


Please consider donating an item to R.E.A.C.H. 2025. Complete the Procurement Form online or print and return the form to St. Patrick School before February 1, 2025. Your gift enables us to underwrite a portion of the auction and allows more event revenue to go directly to educating the students. 

Looking for ideas? Visit our WishList at https://wishlist.com/user/REACH25



Out of time, energy, or both? Let our expert team of shoppers do the work for you by donating directly to the Super-Shopper Fund! These cash donations are exactly what we need to put the finishing touches on some of the most popular auction packages!



Donate to the REACH Auction

Super Shopper Fund

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Credit Card Information

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I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.